Sunday 24 May 2009

Why don't I read anymore?

Having looked over my blog page, one thing struck me. I have not listed any books that I am currently reading, the music, pod casts and film are all there, but no books.
It then came to me that I don't really read anymore. What a sad state of affairs this is! Don't get me wrong I have never really been a big reader, in fact I remember at school struggling to finish one during a Read-a-thon. Really showing my age there, perhaps schools don't do that anymore. However I remember in my late teens reading a large amount of books. An early favourite was Nick Hornby. High Fidelity being my favourite as I remember.
I also loved reading horror books as well, strange I know. This brings me onto the subject of my favourite book ever, 'I am Legend' by Richard Matheson. For saying it was written in 1954, I think the vision of the author was incredible. Especially when considering it came a full 14 years before George A Romero's Night of the Living Dead film, which is lauded for its visionary status in relation to horror. Please don't watch the film with Will Smith and make a decision from there, I urge you to read the book first...
However, its very sad that I am not a book worm anymore, maybe its finding the time and effort to reintroduce my life back to books. It seems that music and other forms of entertainment are taking over, perhaps the Internet is to blame.

Just a reflection that I thought was worth mentioning.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully I have rectified this problem, just purchased new Mark Radcliffe book!
