Monday 18 May 2009

Nintendo Wii

I have today become the proud owner of a Wii.

This is quite a big thing in my life as I have not owned a games console thing for a number of years. In fact I vaguely remember tapping away on a Commodore 64 when I was young, as I would frantically try to beat my co gamer on the 100 metre run.

Strange then that all these years later I would want one now. However after unpacking the thing and working out how it worked, I could see why I wanted it so much. The interactivity about these new things is incredible. I opted for the Wii fit pack after playing it at a friends, and I thought the gyrating aspect of the board was hilarious. Its great fun in a family/Friends orientated way. However playing boxing on your own and pretending its your worst enemy is pretty good too.

Don't worry this blog won't just be about wii's that would be a Little too much! Its gonna be about anything really, films I see (Star Trek - how great was that), music I listen to (current favourite - Bat for Lashes) and the very rare moment when I end up at a gig (very rare - last gig Ryan Adams - November 2008!!).

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