Wednesday 1 July 2009

Snowdon - 30/06/2009

I have never been one for hiking and all that sort of stuff. In fact I've not really bothered with anything remotely outdoorish. However, I have come to that point where I think I should give things a go, and see if I like it. That has led me to Snowdon, and what an amazing place it is. We travelled up there, eager to find a signpost saying 'THIS IS SNOWDON', however we could not find one. In fact looking at the breath taking country side I could have easily said that it could be one of many mountains in the region. However after finding out which it was, our journey began.

We took the path from Rhyd Ddu, one of the more trickier paths, it totals 7.5 miles (there and back). Its anticipated that the route would take 6 hours in total. We started early, 7.30am to be exact, which was a good idea considering the weather conditions that were ahead of us on the day. The early going was fairly steady, and I was quite pleased with myself in keeping up with my co - climbers. However after a while the path became incredibly steep with the rocks flown around the place which made up the ever decreasing path. However with every step there were incredible views.

After around 2 hours I was beginning to feel the pace which we had made. As I looked up at the final two ridges towards the summit building, it never crossed my mind that I wouldn't make it. Yeah, it was getting difficult, and my water supply was decreasing fast, however I'd come all this way and desperately wanted to know what views would await me at the top. I ploughed on and made the best progress I could.

And so after 3 hours walking, I made it to the top. The summit is 1,085 metres above sea level, of which I ascented 895 metres. A good days work really, and amazing views. The next challenge is a 40 mile walk around the coast of Cornwall, which I'm gonna do in aid of something special, more details to follow. And just in case you don't believe me.......